TearLab is the most accurate test in the optometric world to help diagnose the severity and cause of a patient’s dry eye syndrome. Dr. Rosen explains, “This is a very easy test for the patient. A tiny amount of tears is collected right above the lower lid of each eye. It only takes a couple of seconds and there is very little, if any, sensation. TearLab then measures the salt concentration of the tears. The higher a patient’s salt concentration is in their tears, the more likely they are to have Dry Eye symptoms.”
The TearLab also attaches a number score to the salt content of the tear, which tells Dr. Rosen the severity of your dry eye and gives him an idea how to begin treating it. The next year, when you come back, Dr. Rosen will be able to do the same thing and see how you are progressing.
Dry eyes occur when either hormonal changes, side effects from medication or some other factor causes the eye to either not produce enough tears, or leave out parts of the tear that make proper lubrication possible. Dr. Rosen explains, “Symptoms of blurred vision, dryness, burning, redness on the eyes or eyelid margins, or even watery eyes are all associated with Dry Eyes. We recommend anyone with these symptoms have a Dry Eye evaluation, including a TearLab test.”
In severe cases, dry eye syndrome that goes an extended amount of time without treatment can cause a person’s eyes to become increasingly susceptible to infection and serious vision issues. In cases of inadequate tear production, permanent damage and scarring can occur.
There are many tests at Rosen Optometry to help with Dry Eye, but TearLab results are very specific and have a very strong correlation with patients’ symptoms. This makes TearLab a superior test for the detection and treatment of this very uncomfortable and possibly damaging eye condition.